Friday 21 April 2017

Single camera

Production diary

Day 1: On my first day we learning about what a single camera involves. Then later that day we had to find a scene that involves one camera and explain what is happening in that scene and how do we know there using a single camera.

Day 2: We watching a video clip from the film whiplash, to see why the editor won an oscar for the particular scene we watched. The reason it won is because the shots. Where it should a long shot of both the people talking and the shots got closer as they like each other the people, but then it goes back to long shot as they have a little argument, and then it does the same again going from long shot to close up to their faces and then the important moment where the lady foots touches the mans foot.

Day 3: We have been given an assignment, which was to create our very own film. The film is only to have a single camera involved. The film can be any genre and the film can be as long as it wants.

Day 4: I came up of an idea for film which was going to be a zombie film, but I realized that it wouldn't work, as the zombies would need a lot of makeup and the film was going to take place in an abandoned house and an old forest, but it would take too much time and the film won't make any sense.

Day 5: I came up with another idea which was a cat film. It was going to be about a cat's life and from the cat's point of view as it would look like the camera is first person playing as a cat.

Day 6: I began filming my film on Thursday which was my day off. The equipment that I borrowed from the college was a go pro camera and a H4 zoom. The reason I borrowed the these equipment is because the go pro camera is good for a first person camera shot, as mine will be in first person as a cat. The reason I borrowed a H4 zoom is to pick up the audio of the cats meowing and purring.

Day 7: I downloaded all of the footage onto the editing computer in the editing sweep. I began to edit my film, but I didn't have enough footage to finish off the film, so I thought I will need to finish the film next week to get more footage, but I've began by editing my film and I've already done 15 seconds of the film.

Day 8: Once again I borrowed the same equipment. To finish my film about a cat's life. I manage to get all the footage I need on Thursday by finishing it off. I didn't need as much this time as I only recorded like a few videos.

Day 9: I downloaded the footage on the editing computer, and added some of the footage to the film.

Day 10: I finished the film and I've exported the video, but unfortunately I couldn't upload the work to canvas as I didn't have all my work done and didn't have all the work with me.

Day 11: I uploaded the video and all of the research to canvas, So Andy can mark my work to see if I have passed or not.

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