Friday 24 March 2017


       PS4 advert

The boy is sitting in the living room on his phone while plying a game on his phone. He looks really bored. A close up shot of the boy eyes and close up of the phone screen with the boy playing the game.

I'm so bored. There is like literally nothing to do.

The boy has look around his bedroom, and tries to find something to entertain him self.

There be something in here to play with.

The boy finds a PS4 in the wooden box and starts pulling in the socket to the wall.

The boy starts playing on the console and I will get a close up of the ps4 control to show it is a PS4 advert.

I will get a long shot of the boy playing the game on the TV, and he will be facing the back of me.

I will get a close up of his face concentrating on the TV, and I will get a close up of the TV of the game he is playing.

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Production diary

Day 1: On our first day we were watching PS4 adverts and compare which of these adverts are the best and why. Then later that day we got into a group of two and started planning what our ideas are going to be for our advert.

Day 2: On our 2nd day we were talking about swot which is what are our strengths and weaknesses during production and practical. the opportunities that practical activities offer and what the threats are during production. For example the risks that could happen (falling over wires).

Day 3: We were finding research about PEGI and about the gaming industry about all the money they make and talking about which games were banned and why they were banned.

Day 4: We were talking about what attracts people's and companies attention to buy games and talking about how gamers get their game out there to the public. For example posters and TV adverts.

Day 5: We were discussing what our SWOT is in other words our strengths and weaknesses during production. The opportunities that it offers, like what type of job it offers, and the threats that could happen during production.

Day 6: We were planning on where our film is going to take place, we were thinking of filming Ralph's family, if I here feedback from Ralph when we are going to film.

Day 7: We were creating the script and the story board. How the film is going to be set out and how the camera angles are going to be shot in the film.

Day 8: I had to change the idea for the advert and had to work seperatly because time was running out and none of the work was getting done. So now I am working seperatly, also I was ask to do a focus group to give them feedback about their PS4 advert, on what was good, what was bad and what could of been improved. I was doing the focus group with Aimee and Shannon and talking about Lauren and Sam's advert.

Day 9: I have borrowed a black magic camera to film my PS4 advert. The location will take place at my house Eaglescliffe, and the actor who will star in the film will be my cousin Jay Masuda.

Day 10: I have started my editing on PS4 advert. For the audio I am going to use is the soundtrack of Fleetwood mac the chain. The video was a little bit over one minute but by only 10 seconds. I had to use the curves of the colouring to brighten up the video clips to make them stand out and to see what is happening in the video clips. I would admit my camera skills weren't the best as my hand was shaking a lot.

Day 10: I managed to finish the film and I have uploaded the film onto youtube. I have also used the audio of the PS4. to make it look like an PS4 advert.

Day 11: I have filmed my focus group. the people that were in my focus group are Lauren, Aimee, Sam and Ryan. They said they liked the film, but the only thing that I needed to improve on was to stop shaking the camera and keep the camera still.

Evaluation: Through out this assignment I have found this hard and stressful. The reason for this is because I started to work with Ralph at first and things were going well. Until Ralph and I weren't working as a team and wasn't getting the work done, and time was running out as Ralph was leaving everything to the last minute. He wanted to film his family do the film, but I didn't hear anything from him from weeks about whats happening with the filming. So I chose to work by myself and do my own film. I thought working by myself was easy as i got everything done on time and didn't need to argue with people with getting the project done and disagreeing with them about the film. I had filming and editing film by myself as I wanted to do stuff my way and without people changing my idea and without people saying why they don't want to show my project because it wasn't good enough.